• Cambridge

    Sunday mornings at 8:45 + 10:15

    33030 Vickers St NE

  • Isanti

    Sunday mornings at 9:30

    114 Dahlin Ave SE

Latest Message

Wondering what our services look like here at New Hope? Click on the video to check it out! In addition to our Sunday life talks, we upload content throughout the week to our YouTube channel and other social platforms.

You’re Welcome Here

You don’t need to have your life in order before you come to church - the rest of us certainly don’t! Most of us experience daily struggles, and not a single one of us is perfect - and that’s ok!

We’re all trying to navigate life the best that we can, but when we gather and seek God together it makes the process that much better. Don’t wait any longer - join us this Sunday, and discover Hope here.


This page is just a quick snapshot of who we are and what we do. If you’d like to learn more about what’s going on inside our church, check out the HOPEHUB - it’s the place to go for all of your next steps.